learn > newsflash



Published: Thursday, March 10, 2011

Training is FETAC Accredited Level 4 (B10135)
Training will take place over 10 nights on Wednesday evenings
Training is free to participants (limited places) who are Union Members.
Places are open for both employed and unemployed people.


  • Introduction to Information Technology
  • Introduction to Data Entry/Keyboard
  • Introduction to Word Processing
  • Introduction to the Internet
  • Introduction to File Management

Where: Mandate Training Centre, Distillery House, Distillery Road, Dublin 3.

Dates: Mar 23, 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11, 17, 25

Time: 18.30 until 21.30

Contact: To reserve a place email Alacoque at.alacoque@womenatworkskillnets.ie or text 087 708 0563

While the primary aim of the Skillnet is to upskill women , please note that men are welcome to attend.

This training course is free of charge to Union members.

Nevertheless there are considerable tutor costs and other costs associated with running the course and places are limited. So please do not apply for a place unless you are sure that you will attend.

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